(207) 464-4800

These examples may come in handy when thinking of any new projects, activities, or policies created that are in alignment with, or in response to, the LA Community Food Charter, which was launched in March of 2016.


A few examples of ways to “Live” the Food Charter for:

  • Families

  • Government Officials

  • Educators

  • Businesses and Organizations

  • Farmers & Gardeners

  • Environmental Advocates

Families –

  • LEADERSHIP: Start a compost bin at home, work, or school.

  • WORKING LANDSCAPES & COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE: Shop at a Farmers’ Market, local farm stand, or purchase a CSA share.

  • LOCAL & SUSTAINABLE AG: Participate in “Pick Your Own” fruit or vegetable opportunity at a local farm or orchard (apple picking, berry picking, etc.).

  • FOOD SECURE: Plan school snacks for a day, a week, or a month that includes seasonal Maine ingredients; teach your children why this is important.

  • POLICY: Participate at any level you can with the PTO, school committee/board to inform good food options for all students

Government officials-

  • WORKING LANDSCAPES & COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE: Support zoning and planning that will increase the opportunity for land to be farmed, and/or for the creation of community gardens.   Helpful Resource: Take MFT’s Quiz: “Is your town farm-friendly?

  • LOCAL & SUSTAINABLE AG: City officials can participate on a tour of a local farm and discuss the values of the Food Charter.

  • POLICY: Create a resolution and have the City adopt the Food Charter.

  • FOOD SECURE: Advocate for increased public transportation options, which has a significant impact on good food access.

  • LEADERSHIP: Develop a letter of support acknowledging the GFCLA for its work in the creation of the Food Charter.


  • LEADERSHIP: Find opportunities to talk with students about where their food comes from and how it’s produced.

  • WORKING LANDSCAPES & COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE: Hang a copy of the Food Charter in classrooms and teacher’s rooms.

  • LOCAL & SUSTAINABLE AG: Incorporate Maine Agriculture in the Classroom curricula into your classroom – sign up for free newsletters on their website.

  • FOOD SECURE: Facilitate distribution of information to parents about local food events, food resources, meal sites, etc.

  • POLICY: Advocate for obtaining bids from local farmers for food items regularly sourced by your school or facility.

Businesses & Organizations –

  • LEADERSHIP: Post a copy of the L-A Community Food Charter in a public of your office, such as the kitchen or breakroom.

  • WORKING LANDSCAPES & COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE: Offer payroll deductions for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares. Helpful Resource:There are many local farms that offer CSA shares, some offer workplace delivery.

  • FOOD SECURE:  Sponsor a local community garden.

  • POLICY: Present the L-A Community Food Charter to local City Councils.

Farmers & Gardeners –

Environmental Advocates-

  • LEADERSHIP: Make a presentation at a Maine Network of Community Food Councils event.

  • WORKING LANDSCAPES & COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE: Consider taking a Master Gardener’s Program with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.

  • LOCAL & SUSTAINABLE AG: Provide information/education on organic farming to local planning boards.

  • POLICY: Engage with the Maine Food Strategy’s Healthy Maine Environment goal area participants.

  • FOOD SECURE: Create a relationship with a local land trust or economic development organization.