(207) 464-4800

Food Access, Gardening & Educational Resources for LA #COVID19

rainbow colored eggs

-Food Access-

  1. For access to food and other support services: Call 2-1-1 in Maine or visit https://211maine.org/food-2/
  2. For a map of Food Pantries throughout Maine: Good Shepherd Food Bank Food Map
  3. For food access resources: Healthy Androscoggin COVID-19 Food Access webpage
  4. For support accessing/navigating Government Assistance Programs: SNAP, TANIF, WIC, etc: Maine Equal Justice COVID-19 resources webpage
  5. For Auburn School Department Meal Information: Auburn Schools Feeding Plan webpage
  6. For Lewiston School Department Meal Information: Lewiston Public Schools Food Site webpage
  7. For information about meals provided by schools statewide: Department of Education webpage


  1. For practical, how-to solutions based on university research: UMaine Cooperative Extension webpage
  2. For Community Garden resources in Lewiston/Auburn: Lots to Gardens
  3. For organic gardening tips: MOFGA
  4. If seeking a place to grow food or if you have land or resrouces available that others could use: Land in Common Maine Land Share Project
  5. For information on seedlings and seeds, scroll down toward the bottom of this page: Merrymeeting Food Council-Growing Your Own Food

Lewiston Auburn Community Food Charter

-Educational Resources-

  1. For links to at home ag, garden and orchard related learning resources from a collection of organizations, including grade specific lessons and activities: ReTreeUS at Home Learning Resources

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